The Disston No. 80 "Choice" handsaw was introduced in 1874 totally redefining the traditional English skewback blade design. Although this saw was sold only briefly the design was revised in 1880 with the Applewood handle being improved and the saw's name changed to the D-8.
Rather than the traditional ‘Square Back’ blade, the D-8’s handle was "let-in" by cutting away part of the blade and having a curved slot in the handle instead of the typical straight slot for the blade.
This ‘let-in’ of the new blade design and the applewood handle’s 'curved slot' placed the user's hand closer to the work and at a more comfortable angle for the wrist giving far greater control and leverage.
This example of a Disston D-8 has seen a lot of use over the years but the etched 'set of scales’ motif applied to all Disston saws from early 1900’s can still be distinguished although very faded. This saw displays the original etched motif with the ornate script 'For Beauty, Finish and Utility this saw cannot be Excelled … Henry Disston’ which was later changed to a more generic design after 1928.
The D-8 was the first Disston saw to use the letter "D" in its designation and were available in lengths from 16 to 24 inches at different times over the course of the saw's manufacture.